Recently i found a very amusing least i think so.i have a few website which frankly i rarely use anymore.just open once every 2,3days ta see if i got mail.and there was one guy from india who propose to me.he wants to marry me,sincerely(he say)but he wants me to help him look for work in hongkong(coz i told him i live in hkg).ok few days pass i dn't go online there so i check my email n there he is.send me a few email ask me to send money to him coz he need to make a passport,so i actualy reply his email,i told him if he can't afford it then he don't have to come to hongkong and work here.if we are fated we will meet someday.thats was 3 month ago.yesterday he wrote me an email saying he is getting married next week(he said)so i just reply to wish him good luck.then i will continue with my live without him(i chuckle when think abt that )ana2 wae
Wah bingung aku, artinya apa yaw?